What happens to the surface area of exposed rock if a rock is fractured?

Rock fractures can have a significant impact on the surface area of exposed rock. The size and shape of the fracture surface can determine how much water, sediment, and other material is released from the rock. Fractures can also create openings in the rock that allow easy access for ants, mice, and other animals.

The surface area of exposed rock is dependent upon the density of the rock. The density of the rock is influenced by the mineral content. Some rocks have more minerals than others, and it is usually the mineral content that affects the strength of the rock. If a rock is fractured, it loses strength, and if the loss of strength is significant, the rock will break apart.

For example, in sandstone, sand grains are loosely packed together, and in shale, they are tightly packed. Sandstone is usually the strongest type of rock. If a rock is fractured, it loses some of its strength.

When a rock is fractured, the fracture surfaces are rough, and the rock becomes weaker because of the increased surface area. As the rock breaks apart, it is difficult to repair the fractures, and this makes the rock weak. Fractured rock can fail under certain stress.

A similar process takes place when the surface of the rock is attacked by acid. In this case, the rock loses strength due to the dissolution of the minerals. Rock surfaces that are attacked by acid are often rounded or smooth. This rounding and smoothing also increases the surface area, which leads to the weakening of the rock.

What are some of the ways that rocks are fractured?

When rocks break, they are most commonly broken due to impact, rather than heat, pressure, or friction. The process of fracture is complex, depending on the rock’s composition and structure, the magnitude of the applied force, and the conditions under which it occurs. Fracture can also occur naturally during volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and meteor impacts.

What is the difference between a fracture and a fissure?

Fractures: A fracture is a break in the skin or a bone.

Fissures: A fissure is a crack or a split in the skin or a bone.

What is the difference between a fracture and a crack?

There are two kinds of cracks –


The breakage of bones. The bone is broken into pieces and the fragments are separated from the bone. A fracture doesn’t usually occur when a bone breaks because of an external force like a fall, but rather it occurs as a result of the bones themselves breaking under pressure.


Small fractures that have formed in the surface of a bone. They are usually caused by external forces like a blow or a fall. These fractures are more dangerous than fractures since they are often deeper than fractures.

In Sum,

When a rock is fractured, the surface area of the exposed rock increases. This increase in surface area can lead to an increase in the rate at which the rock weathers and erodes. Additionally, when a rock is fractured, it becomes more susceptible to chemical weathering. As a result, it is important to consider the effects of fracturing on rock surfaces when studying the rates and mechanisms of weathering and erosion.

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