If you are feeding raccoons in your yard, it is important to be aware of the dangers that come with not providing them with food. If you stop feeding them, they may become aggressive and try to get into your home. They may also search for food elsewhere and could become prey for other animals.
In most cases when raccoons are in your yard, it means they have found food and your garden is being raided.
They come to your garden in search of food. They will destroy your vegetable gardens, eat the fruit, and then destroy your ornamental plants.
In addition to destroying your garden, raccoons can cause damage by creating large piles of refuse. This creates unsightly messes and also attracts rodents and birds that spread diseases and diseases to your pets.
There are many ways to stop raccoons from coming to your property. The best way to stop raccoons from coming to your garden is to install a barrier. There are many options available in the market. You can go for an electric barrier that will shock and scare the raccoons away. But remember, the best way to discourage raccoons from coming to your garden is to install a perimeter fence.
The next step would be to set up a motion-detector. These are devices that are placed outside your property to detect motion and alert you when there is an intruder in your property.
You can also use a dog or cat as a deterrent. Dogs and cats will alert you whenever they see any intruder in your yard. The best thing about a dog or a cat is that they are quiet. They won’t make a lot of noise to wake you up. Also, they will alert you anytime someone gets near your property.
To avoid the problem of raccoon damage and pest problems, you should get a raccoon repellant and spray it at the base of plants.
What do raccoons eat?
Raccoons are omnivorous mammals that feed primarily on fruits, nuts, and insects, but also consume small vertebrates, such as fish, frogs, and birds. They have a very versatile diet that allows them to thrive in a wide variety of habitats. Raccoons are particularly fond of foods that are easy to acquire and digest, such as trash and pet food. They are also known to raid birdfeeders and steal eggs from nests.
How can I help prevent a raccoon from becoming a problem?
1. Provide a good nesting area
Make sure that there is adequate cover and protection for the nest. It should be dry, soft soil that does not offer much resistance when digging.
2. Keep food locked up
Keep your garbage in closed containers and away from the raccoons. Never throw food out of your kitchen. Make sure that the doors and windows are kept locked at all times.
3. Keep pets indoors
Never let your pets run loose or outside. Make sure that they have their own areas where they can retreat from the rain.
4. Don’t feed the raccoons
Do not give raccoons anything to eat. This will only encourage them to become a nuisance.
5. Make sure you keep the garden clean
Make sure that your yard is clean of any trash and debris. Make sure that the grass is trimmed, and that there is a lot of room for movement.
6. Don’t feed the raccoons
Don’t feed raccoons or allow them to access your garbage cans. They will only use it as a source of food.
7. Trap them
If you are really concerned, you can trap a raccoon to put it out of your life. If you catch it and it looks like it’s in good health, you should be able to release it back into the wild.
8. Call a professional
If you’re really concerned that your raccoons are causing problems, you should call a professional.