What happens if a 2-year-old drinks NyQuil

If a 2-year-old drinks Nyquil, it is recommended that they be taken to the doctor for evaluation. Nyquil is a medication that is intended for use in adults. There are a few potential side effects to drinking Nyquil, the most common of which is drowsiness and even death. If your child becomes excessively drowsy, it is important to contact a healthcare professional immediately. Nyquil can also cause abnormal heart rhythms, and should not be taken by pregnant women or children under the age of 6. If you notice any other side effects after your child has taken Nyquil, please contact your healthcare professional.

What happens if a 2 year old drinks nyquil

Toddler drinking Nyquil: what to do

Parents should be aware that if their children consume NyQuil, they may experience drowsiness and difficulty breathing. If a child overdoses on NyQuil, they may experience confusion, dizziness, seizures, and coma.

Effects of NyQuil on a toddler

If a 2-year-old drinks Nyquil, they may experience drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting. If the child consumes too much Nyquil, they could also experience seizures or even death.

So, at what age can you give Nyquil to children?

It varies depending on the child’s age, weight, and health. However, generally speaking, you shouldn’t give Nyquil to children under the age of six or seven, as their bodies are still not fully developed and their systems might not be able to handle the medication well. If your child is over six or seven years old and seems to be in discomfort or has any other signs of illness, please talk to your doctor about giving them Nyquil.

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