What happens if you don’t floss with braces

If you don’t floss with braces, plaque and bacteria can accumulate in your teeth and gums. This can lead to tooth decay and other oral health problems. Not only that, but regular brushing and flossing also helps to remove food particles from between your teeth, which reduces the risk of getting cavities. So if you want to keep your teeth healthy and free of plaque, it’s important to make sure you’re flossing with braces!

Braces can cause discomfort and pain, but flossing is an easy way to prevent gum disease.

The key to a healthy mouth is regular brushing and flossing. Brushing and flossing helps remove food particles that could cause tooth decay. But, the problem with wearing braces is that you have to remove the braces for your mouth to be brushed and flossed. Braces are attached to your teeth by wires or bands that run through your gums and connect to the back of your teeth. If you don’t brush and floss your mouth regularly, you can increase your risk of gum disease.

If you wear a retainer while your braces are in place, you can still floss. Just be sure to use floss that is specially designed for use with braces.

You can also avoid plaque buildup by brushing your teeth before you put your braces in. You can buy special brushes for this purpose, or you can use a manual toothbrush. Toothpaste that contains fluoride is also helpful, because fluoride fights plaque and prevents cavities.

Braces usually make flossing difficult. There are several things you can do to help with flossing.

1. Start early

Braces should be put on before the age of two. By starting early, you’ll have plenty of time to learn how to floss with your new orthodontic appliances.

2. Get the right floss for braces

A floss made especially for braces isn’t available yet. So make sure that you use a floss that is not too thick or too thin.

3. Be gentle

When using your floss, try to avoid jerking back and forth. You’re flossing with your teeth, so it’s okay to gently move your jaw while flossing.

4. Avoid gums

You’re flossing with your teeth, not your gums. If your gums are irritated, you may damage your braces.

5. Check for obstructions

It’s a good idea to check your floss for any obstructions that could cause problems. For example, it’s important to check that there are no metal bands, wires, screws, or anything else that could get caught on your floss.

How often do I need to floss with braces?

It is generally recommended that people floss once a day, although it is especially important to floss when wearing braces. Flossing helps remove plaque and bacteria from teeth and gums, which can cause cavities and gum disease. When flossing with braces, use a floss threader to get between the wires and teeth, and be sure to go slowly and carefully to avoid damaging the braces or your gums.

In conclusion,

It is important to floss with braces to remove plaque and bacteria build-up, as this can cause cavities and other dental problems. If you don’t floss regularly, your braces will not work as effectively and it will take longer for your teeth to straighten.

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