What happens when you say beetlejuice 3 times?

Welcome to the blog, where we explore the weird and wonderful world of Beetlejuice! In this post, we’ll be looking at what Beetlejuice 3 might be about, and whether or not it’s actually happening. Let us know what you think in the comments below!

According to popular urban legend, saying beetlejuice three times will summon up the spirits of Beetlejuice and his wife Lydia. The couple will then provide you with a range of supernatural services, including wealth acquisition and love spells. While the story is undoubtedly fictitious, it has nonetheless spawned an entire subculture around this innocuous phrase.

Those who are curious about its magical powers can chant “Beetle Juice! Beetle Juice!” while making punching motions with their hands. They can also wear black sunglasses to symbolize anonymity and secrecy, or drink from ornate chalices made out of bones or other rare materials in order to gain mystical power. And as for those seeking love? Well…best not try anything too crazy at 3 am when your mind is alluding to dark desires!

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